
The EU co-funded project- ECO-CRUISING FU_TOUR project aims to boost managerial, innovative, blue, green and digital skills of tourism WestMed SMEs but ultimately public and private stakeholders in charge of the promotion of EU and West European coastal and maritime destinations through specialised capacity building programme, knowledge and tech transfer, preparing the transfer of good practices and multiplying the results.

The goal is to exploit the green potential of WestMed tourism SMEs and cross-border cooperation to unlock new business opportunities around the new eco-cruise tourism sector.

The project will design eco-smart cruise packages targeting Millennials and Gen Z; the objective is to offer innovative routes and solutions paving the pathway towards Net-Zero for Cruise and Coastal Areas by introducing a brand new experience for these target groups to cruising, combining smart (digital) and eco-sustainable offering.

Capacity Building Programme

A capacity building programme will be tailored to WestMed SMEs and public/private organisations in charge of maritime and coastal tourism management, including education (masterclasses) and training (practical) programmes.

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Eco-smart Cruise Packages

The ECO-CRUISING FU_TOUR will design an eco-smart tourism packages targeting Gen Z and Millennials involving EU and non-EU Western Mediterranean countries, and potentially including other EU Mediterranean Member States.

The eco-smart packages will offer transformative routes and solutions paving the pathway towards Net-Zero for Cruise and Coastal Areas.

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